School is back in session, and we know you’re busy getting everything ready for your child’s big year ahead. While you're stocking up on school supplies and updating wardrobes, don't forget to prioritize your children's dental health! A healthy smile is not just awesome for school photos; it's also super important for your child’s overall health. Here’s how to keep their teeth strong and the Mouth Monsters at bay all school year long.

1. Establish a Consistent Brushing Routine

School mornings can be a rush, but don’t let the Mouth Monsters sneak in! Make sure your child brushes their teeth twice a day for two minutes each time, using fluoride toothpaste. Play your child’s favorite song while they brush to make those two minutes fly by! Don’t forget to floss daily to remove plaque and food particles that a toothbrush can’t reach. Track their brushing and keep the Mouther Monsters in check with our Daily Tracker

2. Pack a Tooth-Friendly Lunch

What your child eats can have a significant impact on their dental health. Opt for healthy snacks like fresh fruits, vegetables, cheese, and yogurt, which are not only nutritious but also beneficial for their teeth. Limit sugary treats and drinks, those are the Mouth Monsters’ favorite snack! Encourage your child to drink water throughout the day to stay hydrated and wash away food particles. In need of some healthy snack ideas? Try some of these!

3. Schedule a Check-Up With Your Pediatric Dentist

The start of the school year is a perfect time to schedule a dental check-up. Regular dental visits help catch potential problems early and keep your child’s teeth healthy and strong. A visit with their pediatric dentist will remove any plaque or tartar buildup and set the stage for a Mouth Monster free school year! Keep track of their appointment with our custom appointment tracker card

4. Provide a Mouthguard for Sports

If your child participates in sports, a mouthguard is essential to prevent broken teeth, lip injuries, and even concussions. Talk to your pediatric dentist about getting a custom mouthguard for the best protection.

5. Create a Dental Health Kit for School

Pack a small dental health kit for school, including a travel-sized toothbrush, toothpaste, and floss. This way, they can brush after lunch or snacks if needed. It’s a simple step that reinforces the importance of oral hygiene throughout the day and keeps their mouth Monster free!

6. Lead by Example

Kids love to copy what their parents do, so be a role model for good oral hygiene! Let your child see you brushing and flossing regularly, choosing healthy foods, and visiting your dentist. Your positive attitude towards dental care will inspire them to follow suit.

As the new school year begins, ensuring your child’s smile stays bright and healthy should be a top priority. By setting up strong habits at home and encouraging them at school, you can help your child maintain great oral health all year. Let’s make this school year one filled with learning, growth, and lots of smiles!